Build, Post, Explore!

space command

 I am going to enter this in a lego contest.
The landing pad is surprisingly stable!

What is it?

 What is it? To tell the truth I don't really know but it looks pretty nasty!!!
 That's some big artillery!
Spare wheel on the back!

transport truck

 This truck is kind of old school but really cool.
 Places to store guns on either side.
 Back door swings down to revel cargo space.
Can hold troops, artillery, supplies, and other things.


 My bro. got the new clone battle pack and I just had to make something better.
 My version has eight guns and cool fins coming out the front.
While the set has only four guns and nothing really special.

Mini bot 2000

This bot is small but has a big eye, or um, whatever you call it.

A little bony if you ask me

In my spare time I made this skeleton battle suit. Isn't the triple bladed ax cool!

Space cruser landing dock

This is a nicely detailed landing dock by luke!

And cut!!!

 Luke made this scene of people making the Indiana Jones movie!!!

It has a camera, microphone, and even Steven Spielberg!

Hoth battle scene

 Antoni sent in this cool scene of a battle on Hoth!
 Some parts are sets and some are home made.
 Nice set up!
Die storm-trooper, Die!!! (sorry)

Multi-purpose bot

 This robot is used for war, construction, and other difficult tasks.
Is equipped with a jet pack to reach difficult heights.

Battle bot 2

 I just found a bunch of pieces, stuck them together and came up with this!
 I thought his gun was pretty clever.
Was hard to find a way to connect the limbs.

chopper droid

   This droid is fit for battle with two helicopter blades that carry it hundreds of feet above ground level.

                                                    Its face is possibly the best part.

battle bot!

 has 1 double barrel laser gun and one giant gun!
Also has a jet pack and movable body parts!

It's cind of cute!!!

 Just look into that little red eye, isn't it cute! That's what they all say until they see its real fire power!!!
 Wings flip over and reveal 4 laser guns!
Then barrels separate and reveal 4 more laser blasters! It also has missile launchers on its head, and a laser eye! Cool isn't it!!!


 This is one of my newest creations, I was trying to organize
all of my cool pieces and decided to make this!
 Sides open to reveal cockpit and driver!
 Armed with two laser blasters and two smaller double barreled laser guns.
Has two lit cameras on front to show the driver where he is going.