Build, Post, Explore!

Fire at will!!!

This is an awesome battle scene! (above)
The commander and captain. (above)
Gunner and a small glimps of the private. (above)
Russian captain hiding behind a tree. (above)

This is a sweet impersination of a Russian vs American battle! I love the use of legs for sandbags!

Gate Room

Control area in gate room. (above)
front view. (above)
Above view. (above)

This is a famous scene from Stargate Atlantis. I love the use of airplane tails as railings!

Black Night...

Black Nights speeder has spears on the front to hit enimies from lower levels! (above and below)
Black Nights speeder has 14 jet engines! (below)

This speeder is one of the sleekest I've made, Black Night is the name of the bounty hunter flying it. The ship is actually all black, even the inside!

Clone Army Micro Bot (C.A.M.B.)

Micro Bot is armored with a disintegration ray and buzz-saw, as well as rocket boots and heavy armor! (above)
Micro Bots buzz-saw has heavy steel plating meant for chopping up droids! (above)
Micro Bots are usually used by commanders, that's why it is displayed with commander Cody inside. (above)
Droids head was chopped of with Micro Bots buzz-saw.

The Micro bot is like a speck of dust compared to the C.A.A.S. but is still very powerful, if you are wondering why commanders use them, it is so they can be more powerful and be able to communicate with normal troops.

Clone Army Attack Suit (C.A.A.S)

Attack Suit is armored with a Gatling gun, two land to air missiles, eight short range missiles, laser canon, heavy laser canon, two harpoons, two flame throwers and heavy armor! (below)

Suit enhances clone commando's speed and strength! (below)
This is one of my latest creations, it took me about 2 days to build (due to complicated parts). I must say it is one of the best things I've made so far.